1 - Electrical components

There can be several reasons why this error code appears. Try troubleshooting to find out which electrical component is defective

Try to pull the rubber handle on the handlebars slightly out from the throttle lever, often this error code is due to the rubber grip and the throttle lever being too close. After this you can check that the on and off button in the display works properly. If the error code does not disappear after this, the scooter must be sent in for service.

To remove the beep, you can pop up the cover of the display and unscrew the display. Then disconnect all wires. Alternatively, you can unscrew the handlebars from the strut (four small screws) and disconnect the cord here.

E2 - Engine

This error code indicates that there is a bad connection between the motor and the motherboard. Open the cover under the standing plate and check that everything is in order with the cable. Check if it is damaged or if it is disconnected. If not, the scooter must be returned for service.

E3 - Gas

This error code indicates that something is wrong with the brake.

E4 - Display / motherboard

This error code indicates that something is wrong with the display or motherboard. The scooter must be returned for service.

E5 - Low voltage

This error code occurs at low voltage. This means that there is little power on the scooter and that it must be charged.

E6 - Motherboard

This error code indicates that something is wrong with the main code. The scooter must be returned for service.

E7 - Throttle

This error code indicates that something is wrong with the accelerator.

E8- Engine connection

Indicates that there is something wrong with the connection between the motor and the motherboard. Open the cover under the standing plate and check that everything is in order with the cable. Check if it is damaged or if it is disconnected. If this is not the case, the scooter must be serviced as there is most likely something wrong with the motherboard.